This is Number Three in a summer series designed to edify and entertain you with the camera and pen of the multi-talented Burr McIntosh. This post focuses on:

The Burr-McIntosh Monthly • Vol. 5, No. 17 • August 1904

LULU GLASER as a new summer girl will be welcomed by all who are fortunate enough to see this picture. I don't know much about these filigree arrangements, but I predict that the funny little bunch of fluff on the port side of her chin will be extensively copied before the present crop of leaves disappears. But when she appears as The Madcap Princess in the fall, then there'll be some things to copy.

ISADORE RUSH has been one of the most popular and attractive of the light opera favorites for several seasons. Many recall with pleasure her attractive work as Lady Hollyrood in Floradora. During the coming season Miss Rush will have the opportunity of her life, which will make the theatre-going public very glad.

FAY TEMPLETON. Don’t you feel your face broaden and your sides begin to shake a wee bit just at the mere mention of the name? Nobody on our stage has done so much in clever mimicry, and there is no personality that is so all-pervading as that of Fay Templeton. Long may she laugh that others may laugh with her.

WILLIE COLLIER is funny. Just natural born funny. Years ago he used to be a kid. As he was outgrowing this, he occupied the important position of call boy in the Augustin Daly Company. Willie was funny and prankish even then; in fact, he was such an amusin’ cuss that Mr. Daly kept him as a producer of funny shocks. Now Mr. Collier is “The Dictator” himself, but still funny.

DOROTHY HAMMOND is one of the cleverest of our young leading ladies. Last season she aided Henry Miller to make his starring tour attractive. There is no question but that Miss Hammond is destined to be one of the popular favorites, as she is the possessor of that very much to be desired quality of womanly personality.

DELIA MASON is the summer girl whom we will all undoubtedly be glad to see. Miss Mason is far away at the present moment; in fact, she is away off in Australia, showing the natives how attractive The Little Maids can be, but as she has grown no older since this picture was made just before she left, it is a pleasure to reproduce it.

AILEEN CRATER is blessed with a bubbling personality. Some people are demure, while others are effervescent. If you wish the latter, then get before the magical spell of Miss Crater, and all nature will seem glad.

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Stage Whispers is published by carlacushman.blogspot.com/

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