In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Burr McIntosh was a stage actor, a war correspondent, a peerless photographer, a magazine publisher and, eventually, a motion picture actor and producer. His legacy, however, is his magazine, The Burr-McIntosh Monthly, (commonly known by collectors as "Burr-Macs") which contain a vast collection of his photos of performers who were popular back in the day, each accompanied by a few of his well-chosen words.

Although I will, as time allows, feature other Burr-Mac editions, this post focuses on:

The Burr-McIntosh Monthly • Vol. 2, No. 5 • August 1903

Mary Mannering
It is unbecoming to tell how in another incarnation, away back in the days of the Revolution, I, as Philemon Hennion, told her, as Janice Meredith, the solemn truth, that she was the sweetest, dearest girl in all the world. I did that six nights a week, and once or twice in the afternoons during the week. Also on holidays. And now, in this later day, seeing this summery picture of her, one could not blame anybody for thinking that she is just as winsome today as she was in the far-away, dim past.

Kitty Cheatham Thompson
“Katey” as she used to be affectionately referred to when, as one of the brightest lights in the late Augustin Daly’s company, she graced the American stage, has been residing in England for the past five or six years. After a long absence, she recently returned to public life, and is now one of the most sought after of the smart entertainers in London and Paris. When she sings the old Southern songs, learned as a child in Nashville, where she grew up to be a popular belle, she carries all before her.

Minnie Ashley
The Palm isn’t exactly under the bamboo tree, but nobody prettier ever graced a Palm Beach palm tree than does Miss Ashley.

Ethel Barrymore
is picking a new shade of poppy. Every known flower has been laid at her feet, intermingled with the hearts of many brave knights. In offering this new flower, we are doing our best to show our deep admiration. There are no words to properly describe the proud success of Miss Barrymore. It is simply hers, and she and her personality, as long as they are on good terms, can reach any heights.

Belle Harper
is one of the all-too-few prima donnas on the light opera stage who have beauty, youth and a voice.

Blanche Ring
The Blonde in Black once more presents Blanche Ring's pleasant features in a manner which will surely add brightness and cheer to many homes.

Elsie Leslie
As haughty Katherine, she's quite different from the Elsie Leslie who, as Little Lord Fauntleroy, first showed the divine spark which has continued to increase in lustre ever since. A glance at the imperious countenance will show that the lovable side of the shrewish maid best befits Miss Leslie.

Ada Verne
Many of us old timers will recall the days of our youth when the sweet face of Ada Verne is seen as “An Old Time Bridge Girl.” In those days the girls used to remain down on the farm. Miss Verne, however, after standing on the bridge all day, has to hurry back to assist A Blonde in Black to cheer up the hot night.

John Drew
The panel of John Drew tells its own story. The photograph was recently made at his summer home, East Hampton, L.I. Here, with his charming wife and daughter, most of his leisure days are passed.

Mrs. G. H. Gilbert
Dear Mrs. Gilbert. Nobody ever refers to her without adding some affectionate prefix. Those who are fortunate enough to know her, know how truly dear she is. Age has been known to dim the kindly light in the eye of many who have grown old on the stage, but with Dear Mrs. Gilbert, it has only mellowed and softened. Maybe it is because she hasn’t grown old. In spirit, in sympathy, in affection, she is as young today as she was when our theatre-going public first began to love her.

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STAGE WHISPERS is published by carlacushman.blogspot.com/


  1. The photos that you have here along with the famous people are pretty inspiring.. I wish I could have known this earlier..

    Objecktif Foto

  2. I agree with Cassie. The words are beautifully put together and the photos are gorgeous. But oh, how I pity those poor women corseted up so tightly.
    I wonder how they could breathe.
    I really like these postings,Carla, more than I would have thought if someone had just told me about them.
    I will get time, sometime, to read them all.
    Will get back to you soon.


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